Sunday, November 7, 2010

If you're gonna break the law, make sure you have a good job.

Ok kids, I'm gonna leave the continent - along with our usual subject matter of cats, coffee, food, cat food, cat shows, cars, and coffee-fueled cat-food carrying cars careening to cat shows - for this next post and head back to the ol' US of A. This is a story you've absolutely got to read, because you won't believe it's true. It almost could be in The Onion. The sad and/or scary thing about it is that it's not.

As you may know, I'm a reasonably-avid road bicyclist. And as such, I'm aware of the perception of bicyclists' lives not being worth as much as other lives when it comes to punishing those who would do cyclists harm. That perception is unfortunately held by many in law enforcement and the legal profession. However, there's a new twist on this old tale that should cause grave concern to any red-blooded law-abiding American who expects equal treatment under the law. It's an injustice of almost-Berlusconian proportions. (Had to put in an Italy tie-in there.)

You can read about it here:

Next time we're back on-topic!

UPDATED 30/12/2010 Want to know follow-up? Here are some additional links:

1 comment:

  1. That is total BS. They should throw that "money manager" in jail for a long time...
